Since our foundation…
Since it was founded in 2006, manufacturing quality and environmental and social aspects of all our products have always been a top priority for us. Unlike other companies who cut costs by utilizing low quality materials and adhesive, Bamboo Design chose to only work with the Best manufacturers in the world that will promote responsible forest management and that maintain flawless manufacturing process with the highest standards when it comes to indoor air quality (VOC).
Our enterprise has worked hard and consistently to earn our reputation as an ethical company and so the trust that our customers place in us today is undoubtedly one of our biggest assets.
Bamboo Design, an experienced partner
If you are one of the many consumers, designers or builders looking to make your projects more eco-friendly, Bamboo Design & Architecture is a valuable resource and experienced environmental partner. Our company prioritizes products that:
Reduce our dependence on trees;
Meet strict environmental regulations;
Foster Eco-friendly ways of life
Our commitment to sustainable forest management
All our bamboo flooring and plywood can be specified FSC® certified. Bamboo are harvested from forests that are centuries old and do not undergo any harmful clear cutting that would threaten their lifespan. In addition, illegal work practices are not tolerated in FSC®-certified forests.
Benefits of FSC® certification
- Ensures that bamboo has been harvested at full maturity
- Maintains strong biodiversity and minimizes the impact of harvesting
- Respects the rights of local indigenous communities
- Protects the integrity of waterways
- Preserves wildlife habitats and animal species

Bamboo Design & Architecture is FSC® certified.
Our FSC® certification ensures that products can be traced from their original forests to our stores. It also guarantees that each fibre of bamboo is controlled and managed according to the strictest social and environmental standards for sustainable forestry practices.
What is FSC?
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) helps take care of forests and the people and wildlife who call them home. So you can keep your life full of forest products while keeping our forests full of life.
“When shopping for new flooring for your home, always do your research and check third-party formaldehyde test results to protect your family’s health”
Because not all bamboo flooring are created equal!
Our commitment to providing the very best quality indoor air for your familly’s health
Customer safety has always been our top priority. Bamboo Design was the first company in Canada to offer bamboo flooring and plywood with no urea formaldehyde in its manufacturing process and we are one of the very few companies that maintain transparency by posting all the testing results online. Every test performed on flooring and plywood is REAL and is performed by a third party.
Why should I be concerned about formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde is a naturally-occurring chemical found in just about everything- apples, shampoo, even the air we breathe. Recently there has been a great deal of concern over high levels of formaldehyde emissions coming from low-cost laminate flooring, which has been known to cause serious health problems. Unfortunately some manufacturers have gotten really good at cutting corners that don’t necessarily affect a floor’s appearance; two floors can look very similar while one can contain a host of mystery materials loaded with harmful chemicals in an effort to “save” costs. Generally, the lower the price point, the lower the product quality, and the higher chance for indoor air quality concerns. When shopping for new flooring for your home, always do your research and check third-party formaldehyde test results to protect your family’s health.
How do I protect my family?
Awareness is the best defense. When shopping for new flooring, researching the floor’s formaldehyde emissions and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is vitally important. Flooring is a material that will be in your home for a lifetime, that you and your family will live with everyday. Never install any engineered wood building products in your home without getting the formaldehyde emissions test results first. Only use “interior-grade” pressed wood products (lower-emitting because they contain phenol resins, not urea resins). Use air conditioning and dehumidifiers to maintain moderate temperature and increase ventilation, particularly after bringing new sources of formaldehyde into the home.
All our floors are FloorScore® Certified
When it comes to indoor air quality, a primary concern is the emission level of specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs). FloorScore® Certification means that a flooring product is independently certified to comply with the volatile organic compound emissions criteria of the California Section 01350 Program. This seal tells you that the products have been independently certified by SCS to comply with the very strict volatile organic compound emissions criteria of the California Section 01350 Program. Any product that has met these stringent standards is a product that will contribute to good indoor air quality. The FloorScore® certification means healthier, cleaner air. And that means healthier humans.
Bamboo Design and LEED® V4 Certification
LEED® Canada has changed the way we see our living, working and learning environments. LEED®, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a certification program directed by an independent organization. It is also an international benchmark for designing, building and operating environmentally friendly and highly energy-efficient buildings.
Interest in low-environmental-impact residential and commercial buildings continues to grow. American studies are already showing that in certain markets, LEED®-certified houses are selling for 8% higher and don’t stay on the market as long as similar uncertified homes.
You’d like to learn more about our commitments?
We would be more than happy to tell you more about it.