Custom HR Workflows
Streamline decision making with custom workflows & approval processes.
"I’m finding more and more ways for BambooHR to support and automate processes that otherwise take up a lot of time and paper."
Liana Smith, HR & Administration Manager | PICPA
You don’t have time to go at it alone.
True HR pros know they can’t do it alone—and that delegation makes it possible. Custom workflows let you share the approval and data-entry load so you’re never stuck with a long line outside your door or a big stack of forms on your desk.
When you automate and delegate your approval workflow activities, you’ll save time and gather what you need more quickly. You can even assign people to fill in their own information to speed up data entry while improving accuracy. You don’t have to go it alone anymore—it’s time to start working as a team.

Key decisions made faster.
Are your top employees waiting forever for management to approve raises and title changes? That’s a recipe for turnover. When important decisions are delayed too long, employees may not stick around to wait.
BambooHR lets you create an organized and streamlined process for each of your most common workflows. In just a few clicks, managers and administrators can approve or deny any requests, which means more rapid decisions and greater retention.

You don’t have to take our word for it.
Read what our customers say about our product and support.

Employee self-service empowers your people.
Nobody likes hounding employees, and employees are even less happy when they’re being hounded by HR. That’s why BambooHR includes employee self-service—to take the burden off of you and place it in the hands of your people.
Employee self-service empowers employees to check and update their own information without your help. You can include managers and supervisors in the approval process so everyone stays in the loop, which means less hounding and more happy tail-wagging.
We protect your important data.
To err is human. And while forgiveness is fine, safely and accurately handling sensitive information with custom statuses and simple workflows is truly divine.
BambooHR allows you to assign up to five different people to approve changes in workflow data, whether you’re updating emergency contact information or finalizing a promotion. You can even customize each person’s access level so only the right people can make edits. No need to worry about inaccuracies—we’ve got you covered.

Our customers say it best.
We asked the professionals who use our hiring app daily to talk about how BambooHR® works for them in the fast-paced, overwhelming world of recruiting.
It's freeing me up to do more of the stuff that actually matters in HR.
—Aaron Wheeler | Wistia
Looking for more?
We've got you covered.
Employee Records
Our database provides a safe and easy way to track and report on sensitive employee data.
Reporting & Analytics
Generate detailed HR analytics reports so you can make more strategic, proactive decisions.
Mobile App
Give your employees convenient, on the go access to HR info with the BambooHR® mobile app.